Another year comes to a close and I have been hard at work in the outdoor media space like usual. This year marks a full year of podcasts every two weeks and I wanted to share what I consider some of the best and most downloaded ones with you. Thanks again for listening and please consider subscribing to the show on your phone or other mobile device if you haven’t done so already.
Gulf of Mexico Conservation, Sharks, Pink Dolphins and Getting Kids in the Outdoors with Guest Chester Moore
Practical and Tactical Shooting and Hunting with Guest Clayton Hergert
Bowfishing, Noodling for Catfish, Texas Deer Hunting, African Hunting, High Fences and More with Guest Tim Jackson
Small Game Hunting and Other Simple Outdoor Pursuits, Getting Kids in the Outdoors and More with Guest Michael Foster
Dustin’s Mad Minutes: Exotic Game and Wild Hog Hunting in Texas