I just finished my days with Camp Agape, an annual summer bereavement camp for kids. I have volunteered at for the past three years. We had a lot of fun this year and helped 27 kids from ages 7-12 process through the grief of loosing a loved one in the recent past. We had archery, fishing, swimming, and low ropes courses and more. I had a blast. Here is a picture of me carrying my guitar and walking to breakfast one morning. This camp was a good reminder that kids are our future. We have to include them in outdoor activites if we ever expect them to turn off the TV or put down the video game controller. Although parts of this camp were emotionally challenging for everyone, as we have all experienced the loss of a loved one, I wouldn’t trade the opportunity to positively impact the lives of our young people today. I remembered the seeds both of my grandfathers instilled in me. They encouraged me to live my life to the fullest and follow my passion. I am thankful and grateful for what they taught me every day.
Learn more about Camp Agape at http://www.campagapetexas.org/