Last season, was an emotional roller coaster. Early in the season, I shot the best archery buck of my life which we named “Mr. Big” as he was about a 120+ class Whitetail buck. I shot a doe and missed another doe that season and my Brady, Texas hunting trip, which I have done annually since 2006, was canceled and rescheduled a number of times and ended up never coming together.
In any case, Mr. Big was the highlight of my 2014 season. I just got him back from my good friend Danny Barry at DB Wild Game Processing and Taxidermy. Danny learned taxidermy from one of the best teachers in our area and this mount turned out incredible. If you live near or around Central Texas, I highly recommend Danny for all of your taxidermy needs. Here is a picture of Mr. Big hanging on the wall in my office:
The memory of that hunt will last a lifetime and I still can’t believe I had the opportunity to shoot a deer of that caliber in a very urban area. It all goes back to managing wildlife to the best of your ability and culling out the herd where needed. I culled out many does and management bucks for several years before something as nice as Mr. Big came along my path one day. Thank you so much for reading, watching and listening!