My third feature article in Texas Fish & Game magazine just came out in the October issue to mark the start of archery season. The title is “Urban Bowhunting: Bagging Backyard Backstraps”. In this article, I talk about how I started finding and successfully hunting urban hot spots and gave advice on how the average guy can do so as well. It was this article that inspired me to write an eBook on Urban Bowhunting which is available on my website at for only $9.95 or on the Amazon Kindle Platform for the same price. The book, like the article, is jam packed full of information as well as all of the equipment I use along with pictures, video links, and more! Whether or not you read the article and the book, my whole goal by writing these was to educate hunters on why we should embrace urban bowhunting when and where it is legal.
I am so thankful and grateful to have a position at Texas Fish and Game magazine. With nearly 100,000 subscribers and being one of the most read sportsman’s magazines in the great state of Texas, there is no place I’d rather be. Roy Neves, the owner, and Chester Moore, the chief editor of the magazine, are both wonderful people and put together an incredible magazine, issue after issue, with the rest of their team of writers and publishers. I am also featured in the magazine every month with the Hotspots fishing reports. This is also an awesome role in the magazine because I am helping average anglers who read the magazine get on the fish with the right fishing tips and techniques, which come directly from local area guides to those lakes. You can check out TF&G magazine at and my Hotspots section in the back of the magazine each month. A big shout out to Texas Fish & Game magazine for an awesome publication!